First make sure the bot is offline! A grey dot next to it's profile picture means that it's actually offline.
If he is indeed offline, you can join our support server and check the last messages in the announcements channel.
In the event of Rynx being offline and we are aware there is nothing you can do, just be patient whilst we resolve the issue!
If we do not seem aware of the issue, you can let us know through the support server or dms.
Admins are users who have the Administrator permission. They are allowed to use all commands of the bot.
This is a generic error simply stating something went wrong when processing your command.
Ensure that Rynx has the correct permissions and try the command again.
If everything seems fine yet the issue still persists, head over to our support server.
Pro is made for a single user who wants to enjoy all features of the bot with a one-time payment.
Investor is made for server administrators who want to unlock all Rynx features for everyone in their server.
No, but if you're a bot developer and need help coding similar features, we're happy to help.
Most of Rynx commands are complex processes that require multiple third-party APIs to ensure the most comfortable usage.
If you have any questions regarding the commands, feel free to ask us through the support server or dms.