

- balanced pets percentage calculation
- changed slayer calculation to include enderman
- added extra tag for ironman profiles
- fixed command cooldown not getting reset
- some background improvements


- moved to slash commands
- released this website
- added scammer & activity scan
- included networth in stage
- added details to networth
- increased process speed
- changed bot icon
- released paid plans
- improved help page
- added info-commands


- revamped stage calculation
- added new stats
- general re-balancing
- auto-choose recent profile
- changed networth to an external command
- changed bot icon
- added info command
- improved help page
- removed faq + manual + invite command
- changed footer in all messages


- moved the bot to a more powerful vps for better uptime
- balanced top skills and slayer percentage
- included a fail safe for many commands
- added server join/leave announcements
- added an error handler
- changed bot activity to be more detailed & clear
- added a bot status & permissions command
- removed the user from embed author to prevent bugs
- added some hidden features
- lots of background changes & fixes


- increased top dungeons stage exp
- improved networth calculation
- added alias -s
- fixed playercount stopped refreshing after API unavailable
- added pictures & links in update embeds
- some background improvements


- fixed gathering crafted minions stopped when coop member hasn't crafted any
- fixed error messages typos (talismans / mage / slayers)
- removed support server from most embeds
- added requester to embed author instead of footer
- changed footer to ko-fi
- reworked -api command
- added numbers to profiles
- changed icon to full head with overlay
- balanced dungeons values (less xp -> more %)
- bot status changed to hypixel and skyblock player count
- many background changes


- fixed minions being displayed as errors even though they were checked successfully
- fixed network percentage being too high when exaggerating 90%
- some background changes


- added -help -api -faq -invite
- the users skin face is now being displayed in final results message
- included -manual note in error message


- the -manual command is now available


- fixed minions slots being displayed weirdly
- added ability to include profile directly in command
- added ability to use the command without username + profile data
- cosmetic changes in the embeds


- command change to -stage
- total percentage is now being displayed
- errors have been moved directly in results message
- calculation bug fixed
- cosmetic changes of the results message


- the new calculation system is live
- the commands author being mentioned in every message


- writing in another channel or other users writing while executing the command doesn't disturb it any longer
- timeout message added that prevents errors


- percentages for each criteria are now being displayed in the calculation results
- fixed problems with loading some skills even though the API was enabled
- errors are now being displayed more detailed, and in a nice looking embed including a link to enable the API
- background fixes to prevent the bot from crashing